The Virtual World Makes for a Crazy Judging Season

Within just a few months, owner/creative director Kevin Fullerton judged five advertising competitions – all of them virtually. Which, of course, is the reason he was able to judge so many shows. Kevin judged:
• AAF-Oklahoma City American Advertising Awards (the largest AAA show in the nation)
• AAF-Dallas American Advertising Awards
• AAF-Greater Flint American Advertising Awards
• AAF District 14 American Advertising Awards (Reno, Sacramento, Fresno, Silicon Valley and San Francisco)
• AAF District 5 National Student Advertising Competition (Ohio, Kentucky and West Virginia)
While virtual judging made it easier for Kevin to judge several shows, it made the actual process more challenging.
“As a designer, I like to hold the piece, feel the material, really study the work,” Kevin said. “ With virtual, I was judging photos or pdfs. Virtual judging didn’t have an impact on broadcast or digital, but it did affect the print work. Hopefully next year, we’ll be back on site for judging.”