A Year in the Making. Mission:Unveiled

At the start of 2014, Springboard Creative’s Kevin Fullerton presented a plan to the Mission City Council.Springboard volunteered two years of design services to rebrand Downtown Mission and market the city during (and after) the year-long construction project that was just beginning.
The project included naming, branding, website development, signage, advertising, a Shop Mission campaign, a business owners portrait series, construction progress updates and photography, a massive social media campaign, videos, a book, event planning and much more. But, most importantly, they created a positive voice about the future of Downtown Mission during the construction project.
Approximately 400 hours went into the first year of the project. And without a doubt, the best part of the project happened on November 14th: the new Downtown Mission was unveiled.
Mayor Steve Schowengerdt, surrounded by almost 200 people, raised a sledge hammer and broke through the barricades to officially reopen Johnson Drive. Later that day, the city dedicated the Shawnee Mission Rotary Clock Tower. That evening, Melange Dance and Events hosted a party for the business owners and residents. The unveiling activities wrapped up the following day with Shop Mission Saturday.
“We’re very proud to be a part of this great community,” Fullerton said. “An we’re very excited about the work we are going to do in 2015 to further propel Downtown Mission.”